Revue de l'Association pour la Recherche Cognitive
Publiée avec le concours du CNRS

ISSN n° 0769-4113
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Colloque ARCo-07
MSH Paris-Nord


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intellectica 2003/1-2, n° 36-37: Pragmatique et Psychologie du Raisonnement [retour table de matières]


Gennaro Auletta

Quelques leçons tirées de la mécanique quantique à l’usage des sciences cognitives : intentionnalité et représentation, Pages 293-317


Some Lessons of Quantum Mechanics for Cognitive Science: Intentionality and Representation

Abstract: The quantum-mechanical measurement problem is briefly discussed and the philosophical lessons are drawn. In particular, the relevant role of dynamics is pointed out and this is presented as a trade-off between determination and correlation. Then it is shown that also the mind should be understood as a dynamical relationship between active reference and representation. A new understanding of intentionality is finally proposed.


© 2010 Intellectica & Association pour la Recherche Cognitive