Is there something special about the ethics of cognitive science?

Andler Daniel
Language of the article : French
DOI: 10.3406/intel.2019.1892
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Like any science, cognitive science raises ethical problems, in part due to its potential applications to a considerable variety of domains. Is there however something special about the ethics of cognitive science? I show that there is. First, the problems are particularly numerous and difficult, due to three features of the field: it is interdisciplinary, it is young, and the topics it attacks are strongly connected to human affairs. Second, among the latter, some touch on certain central aspects of the human condition, and thus potentially conflict with some traditional views. Finally, because ethics itself is targeted, alongside correlative concepts such as free will, responsibility, desert..., a question is raised which has no analog in other domains: should research on these matters be pursued, in the ethical sense, and if so, how should one face the possible consequences that it may have  on society?

Pour citer cet article :

Andler Daniel (2019/1). Is there something special about the ethics of cognitive science? In Khamassi Mehdi, Chatila Raja & Mille Alain (Eds), Ethics and Cognitive Sciences, Intellectica, 70, (pp.41-62), DOI: 10.3406/intel.2019.1892.