To Understand AI Sentience, First Understand it in Animals

Birch Jonathan
Andrews Kristin
Language of the article : French
DOI: n/a
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To understand AI’s potential for sentience, the article suggests starting with how sentience appears in animals. Observing animal consciousness reveals complex cognitive traits that could, under certain conditions, apply to artificial systems, provided these systems address what the authors call AI's "gaming problem." This approach encourages a nuanced exploration of sentience, which may clarify if and how AI could develop subjective experience.

Pour citer cet article :

Birch Jonathan, Andrews Kristin (2024/2). To Understand AI Sentience, First Understand it in Animals. In Gefen Alexandre & Huneman Philippe (Eds), Philosophies of AI: thinking and writing with LLMs, Intellectica, 81, (pp.213-226), DOI: n/a.