published at 23/12/2014


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A single article :

The site allows for ordering single articles. In order to identify an article, you can use the tool "Search" which scans the data-base of the journal, navigate on the pages issues or authors list. Once the article is identified, you can download the document directly and free of charge if it is more than two years old, or else order it if it is recent. 

A single volume :

The publication of a special thematic issue is generally of interest as a whole. It is therefore possible to order an entire volume if it is recent, or to download it directly and free of charge if it is more than two years old. We oiffer, for those interested, the option of a special printing at cost price (15 euros), which makes it possible to receive a  hardcopy. 

Subscriptions :

This is obviously the best way to support the journal! And to access the most recent work on the themes that are addressed. A subscription provides access to the two issues which will appear in the course of the current civil year.