Intellectica 2010/1-2, n° 53-54
Philosophy, Technology and Cognition
Ezequiel DI PAOLO
Robotics Inspired in the Organism
The major technical and conceptual advances in cognitive science have always been connected directly or indirectly to artificial intelligence and, over the last 20 years, specifically to the field of au- tonomous robotics. It is thanks to the elegance and practical value of work in various regions of robotics that certain fundamental questions in cognitive science can be re-visited. This is particularly the case for the question of meaning. What makes an engagement with the world mean- ingful for a robot? In this paper I argue for an approach that addresses this question based on a life-mind continuity perspective supported as much by notions embodiment, complex adaptive systems and enaction as well as phenomenologically and existentially informed theorising. I concern myself with the question of what constitutes the identity of a cognitive system and answer this question in terms of autonomy, defined as operational closure. Then I examine how autonomy lays down a possi- bility for normative regulation of environmental interactions (agency) in terms of sense-making, the hallmark of cognition. I discuss several ques- tions that are opened by this systemic approach: like whether habits may be considered as higher forms of autonomous identities beyond the organismic self. Some direct implications for robotics are explored by re- visiting and extending models of homeostatic adaptation to distortions of the visual field.
Key words: Sense-making, Life-mind Continuity, Robotics, Autonomy, Habits, Homeostatic Adaptation