Revue de l'Association pour la Recherche Cognitive
Publiée avec le concours du CNRS

ISSN n° 0769-4113
Editorial Committee
Manuscript Submission
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Colloque ARCo-07
MSH Paris-Nord


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93210 Saint Denis

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Each paper submitted (together with summaries in English and in French) is examined by at least two reviewers, from different disciplines. The journal gives priority to work carried out or presented in an interdisciplinary perspective. Articles whose content or form restrict the audience to a small circle of specialists are given lower priority.

Manuscript preparation and submission

Adress your paper (in Word or rtf format), prerferably in an electronic version, to Papers should be written in French or, failing that, in English (for non French-speaking authors). Your paper should include a summary in French and in English (translate the title also), and a list of Key Words. Specify your professional affiliation and your complete address (including an electronic address).

The structure of the paper should be indicated by sub-titles. Subtitles at the first level are in small bold capitals ; second-level subtitles in bold small case ; and third-level subtitles in plain italics. Do not exceed three levels (e.g. III.2.2.). Avoid an excessive number of paragraphs and line-spaces between paragraphs. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively and be placed at the bottom of the corresponding page.

Figures should be numbered and have legends; the figures should also be communicated in an electronic version (format .jpg or .bmp), and they should not exceed 13x21 cm.

Use only Times New Roman and Symbol type. In the body of the text, bold and underlined characters are not allowed, and should be replaced by italics. Avoid words entirely in capital letters.

Punctuation should be carefully checked (with unbreakable spaces where appropriate, and inverted commas in the French typography : «  and »). Reminder : in French typography exclamation marks and question marks, colons and semi-colons are separated by an unbreakable space from the preceding word. Distinguish short hyphens (inside words and expressions), from long — hyphens with spaces which separate the members of a phrase. Authors submitting articles in English should follow the conventions of the English typography.

References to books and papers are presented in the text thus : (Cassirer, 1927) ; and quotations in the body of the text thus : ( Godor, 1985, p. 183). If there are two authors : ( Méchin et Chosal, 1967) ; for more than two : ( Méchin et al., 1999). If several references follow each other : ( Méchin, 1892 a ; Chosal et Truck, 1965).

The bibliography at the end of the paper should be presented as follows. For books:

Maverick J. M. (1985). What Philosophers Can’t Do. New York: Peebles.

For book chapters:

Ephraïm S. (1994). Niveau de base et baisse de niveau chez l’écolier monolingue. In G. Woody (éd.), Recognition (pp. 198-203). New York: Aguirre and Sons.

For journal papers:

Lagarrigue P. (1952). Rythmes neuronaux chez le merle chanteur. Ucellectica, V, 1, 201-294.

For conference proceedings:

Lawvere, F. W. (1996). The category of categories as a foundation for mathematics. Proceedings of the Conference on Categorical Algebra, La Jolla, 1965 (pp. 1-21). New York: Springer.

In general, follow the conventions specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition) (cf.

Modifications requested by the reviewers and the Editorial Committee are the responsibility of the author. The final text should be sent as an attached document in an electronic message addressed to

To submit a short note

In order to reflect the state of ongoing research or scientific debates, intellectica also accepts short notes which, if appropriate, depart from academic norms. The procedure for authors is the same as for submitting a paper (see above).

To propose a thematic dossier

Send to the Editorial Committee a one-page project which presents the theme of the dossier, which will serve as the mandate for authors, and possibly as the basis for a press communiqué at the date of publication. The proposal should include a list of suggested authors (from 3 to 10), with an indicative summary of each paper. It is recommended to diversify the points of view and disciplines, and also to include foreign authors.

After discussion with the Editorial Committee, if the proposal is accepted the organizer of the dossier has one year to collect the contributions.

Latest Issue

2011/1, n° 55

Synesthesia and Intermodality

Victor Rosenthal

Price: 25 


© 2011 Intellectica & Association pour la Recherche Cognitive