Intellectica 2010/1-2, n° 53-54
Philosophy, Technology and Cognition
Action and Decision
The paper investigates what results for the notion of decision when we part from the deliberative conception of action. Such inquiry takes inspiration from the general definition of action which has been proposed in the author’s prior essay Modèles et pensées de l’action (Paris, L’harmattan, 2000), taking into account the three models for action fitting that definition according to the essay: the physical model of actualisation, the linguistic model of speech act, and the logical-mathematical model of construction. The paper attempts at pinpointing how and where something like a decision may be recovered for some action, considered along the lines of each of the three models.
Key words: Action, Speech Act, Recursivity, Dynamical System, Attractor, Decision, Continuum, Deliberation, Behaviour, Agent, Impulse, Result