The concept of recursivity, from the first cybernetics to connectionism

Livet Pierre
Language of the article : French
DOI: n/a
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In the first cybernetics (McCulloch) and the second one (Ashby and von Foerster) as well recursivity was supposed to be a central concepts. But in both theories, the power of recursive functions (to find the code of the program which computes a function that depends on this very same code) as well as the troubles raised by non recursively enumerable functions have been overlooked. A similar position can be found in some theories related to the connectionism of the eighties, that have also been pretended to take place beyond the real power of recursivity.



Pour citer cet article :

Livet Pierre (). The concept of recursivity, from the first cybernetics to connectionism. In (Eds), , Intellectica, , (pp.n/a), DOI: n/a.