Emergence of sound, sound of emergence

Di Scipio Agostino
Language of the article : French
DOI: 10.3406/intel.2008.1247
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This paper is in three parts. The first one introduces the notion of “sonological emergence” in the framework of a systemic perspective, following a radical-constructivistic standpoint. The secondo describes the main points in a compositional project, Ecosistemico Udibile (Audible Ecosystemics), consisting in a network of element processes capable of generating/transforming/destroying sound, working under real-time constraints, coupled with the space surrounding. The third part, articulates the auto-écoorganisation in the sonic network described, and advances some more general considerations of systemic and epistemologic kind. The discussion bears on the self-producing (conditions of existence) and self-differentiating (conditions of form) elements in the process by which sound is produced, yielding into a generalisation of the music-theory notion of “timbre”. The discussion also bears on how the systemic conditions (internal and external contraints, resources available in the environment) are dealt with in the real-time performance, when sound is recognized not only a “energy” dimension (phisical substratus) but also an “information” dimension (sound as interface, as regulator of system resonances). The notion of emergent sound, as emergent musical “form”, is finally re-articulated in connection to the environment (space as the “médium” or mileu of acoustical existence).

Pour citer cet article :

Di Scipio Agostino (2008/1). Emergence of sound, sound of emergence. In Sedes Anne (Eds), Music and Cognition, Intellectica, 48-49, (pp.221-249), DOI: 10.3406/intel.2008.1247.