The Enactive Paradigm in the Light of the Pragmatics of Experiencing

Depraz Natalie
Language of the article : French
DOI: 10.3406/intel.2006.1329
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My contention is the following: a first-person pragmatics. Jacob’s and Lenay’s articles critically check the enactive paradigm more or less inspired by F. Varela. I reassume such an interest for enaction while giving it its productive power, what the authors don’t stress enough according to me. In order to do so, I show how enaction is primarily sustained by a concrete and disciplined first-person praxis.

Pour citer cet article :

Depraz Natalie (2006/1). The Enactive Paradigm in the Light of the Pragmatics of Experiencing. In Brassac Christian (Eds), Internalism / Externalism, Intellectica, 43, (pp.59-66), DOI: 10.3406/intel.2006.1329.