Neuropsychology of Numbers: Philosophical Remarks.
DOI: 10.3406/intel.2014.1035
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Neurosciences and cognitive sciences provide us with a myriad of empirical findings that shed light on hypothesized primitive numerical processes in the brain and in the mind.
Yet, the hypotheses based on which the experiments are conducted, hence the results, depend strongly on sophisticated mathematical models. These sophisticated models are used to describe and explain neural data or cognitive representations that supposedly are the roots of primary arithmetical activity. Moreover philosophical previews are involved in the generalizations presented as extrapolations from experimental data.
My aim is at bringing to light the technical and conceptual infrastructures of the presumed neural or cognitive, material or symbolic, actual foundations for our elementary arithmetical abilities.
Pour citer cet article :
Sinaceur Hourya Benis (2014/2). Neuropsychology of Numbers: Philosophical Remarks. In Regular papers (Eds), Intellectica: Issue 62, Intellectica, 62, (pp.103-144), DOI: 10.3406/intel.2014.1035.