Toward an ecological approach to computational ontologies.

Aimé Xavier
Language of the article : French
DOI: 10.3406/intel.2014.1043
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In this paper, we focus on ontologies and their construction following the social psychology paradigm. We analyze in particular how these ontologies, as formal psycho-social entities, are both effects of influences (normalization), and causes of influences (conformism). We also analyze the roles of expert and ontologist, whether in relation to the ontology or relative to the group that built ontology, and the intra-individual variations in conceptualizations. Finally, we propose a number of recommendations for the ontologies construction process. We conclude with the implementation of our proposals.

Pour citer cet article :

Aimé Xavier (2014/1). Toward an ecological approach to computational ontologies. In Monnin Alexandre & Declerck Gunnar (Eds), Philosophy of the Web and Knowledge Engineering, Intellectica, 61, (pp.189-210), DOI: 10.3406/intel.2014.1043.