Towards an Experiential Phenomenological Psychology: Gnoseological Circularity between Phenomenology, Psychology and Micro-Phenomenology.
DOI: n/a
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This paper is a theoretical reflexion on the question of adapting Edmund Husserl's phenomenological psychology into an experiential paradigm. It is a confrontation between phenomenology, psychology and micro-phenomenology in order to leave the Husserlian framework. How does this confrontation allow us to go beyond their essential disciplinary differences to consider the transdisciplinary project of an experiential phenomenological psychology? First, we present some gnoseological considerations around Husserl's project of phenomenological psychology. Then, we explore the gnoseological porosity between phenomenology, psychology and micro-phenomenology. As a result of this research, we have some ideas for the development of an experiential phenomenological psychology. We show in particular that there is a gnoseological circularity between phenomenology, psychology and micro-phenomenology.
Pour citer cet article :
ARIAS ZAPATA Jean Philippe (2022/2). Towards an Experiential Phenomenological Psychology: Gnoseological Circularity between Phenomenology, Psychology and Micro-Phenomenology. In Regular papers (Eds), Intellectica: Issue 77, Intellectica, 77, (pp.71-91), DOI: n/a.