Enactive Perspective(s) in Learning Sciences: an Introduction

Poizat Germain
Perrin Nicolas
Renault Letícia
San Martin Julia
Language of the article : French
DOI: n/a
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Enaction is a particularly valuable paradigmatic proposition (i.e., opening up a multitude of ideas that allow for the conceptualization and study of a variety of phenomena). More and more studies inspired by the enactive perspective are being conducted in the field of learning sciences and education, and this has been the case for several years. The authors contributing to this special issue consider it relevant for 1) to conceptualize and inform learning processes, and 2) rethinking practices. The purpose of this special issue is more specifically to question the conceptual, empirical, and practical advances, opening on a) a renewed perspective on learning and development phenomena, and b) on new modalities of intervention and design practices in education, teaching, and training. The articles collated here reflect several core ideas of the so-called enactive approach and present various concrete translations of the consequences of the enactive paradigm in the field of learning sciences, education, and training.

Pour citer cet article :

Poizat Germain, Perrin Nicolas, Renault Letícia, San Martin Julia (2024/1). Enactive Perspective(s) in Learning Sciences: an Introduction. In Poizat Germain, Renault Letícia, San Martin Julia, Perrin Nicolas (Eds), Enactive perspective(s) in learning sciences, Intellectica, 80, (pp.7-19), DOI: n/a.