
To understand sentience in AI first understand it in animals. Commentary to Jonathan Birch and Kristin Andrews

Evers Kathinka
Language of the article : English
DOI: n/a
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In their article, Birch and Andrews present a compelling case for the relevance of studying non-mammal animal sentience in order better to understand AI sentience. However, three issues remain insufficiently addressed: (1) the relevance of the change of substrate; here: from carbon to silicon; (2) the justification of precaution in the absence of evidence for sentience; and (3) the relevance of dissimilarities in sentience (here comparing living and non-living entities) and the challenges involved in detecting them.

Pour citer cet article :

Evers Kathinka (2024/2). To understand sentience in AI first understand it in animals. Commentary to Jonathan Birch and Kristin Andrews. In Gefen Alexandre & Huneman Philippe (Eds), Philosophies of AI: thinking and writing with LLMs, Intellectica, 81, (pp.229-232), DOI: n/a.